What clients are saying about Breathe Baby…

“When I found out I was pregnant with my first, I knew I wanted to do something to stay active and prepare for the big changes ahead. I saw a post for Trish’s Prenatal Yoga and got a free trial class. After that first class, I signed up immediately. Trish made me feel so welcomed and really worked to create a community feeling in our class. At the start of every class, we had topic to discuss and share. Each class was perfectly designed to accommodate our growing babes and alleviate the aches and pains that come with that growth. After every class I felt refreshed and calm. She even brought in special guests- the prenatal massage therapist was amazing! Probably the most important benefit came when my daughter was born. I found that I had a massive toolkit of calming techniques and breathing options to overcome the fears and pains. Trish not only guides you in a practice, she prepares you for motherhood. I can’t wait to take her classes again if we decide to have baby #2!”

— Jen C.

“Trish creates a beautiful, relaxing, safe space to move and take care of your body. It was an essential part of my last trimester. I always felt great after class and looked forward to it each week. Her meditations and her tips for labor and labor prep were fantastic as well!”

— Veronica F.

“As a long-time yoga student, I found Trish's prenatal class to be a beneficial way to stay active and strong during pregnancy, with poses that prepare the body for labor and also help with alleviating specific pain areas. Trish's wide knowledge of poses, her understanding of the physical challenges of pregnancy, combined with her supportive enthusiasm and love of teaching make a wonderful yoga experience for any expecting mother." 

— Ashley H.

If you are looking for a wonderful birthing and labor experience this class is for you. This series walks you through a multi level yoga class with extensive instruction on how your body works, what it's doing during labor and how to enjoy your experience and make it as easy as possible. I have always had issues with my hips and this class really gave me the confidence, strength and stretch that my body was ready to do it had to do in order to have both of my children. Personally I got epidurals during labor however because of this class I feel I got a lot farther without it and did everything as naturally as possible with the guidance of  Trish and her knowledge of prenatal yoga.

— Lindsay S.